Ways You Can Engage

BT Foundry
$170raised 0 % of goal
0% Complete
BT Foundry
Spring Soirée: Drag Brunch Edition
Sat, April 29, 2023
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM CT
$9,531raised 64 % of goal
64% Complete
Wed, August 31 6:00 PM CT
to Wed, August 31 8:00 PM CT
Fri, August 19 6:00 PM CT
to Fri, August 19 9:00 PM CT
$635raised 13 % of goal
13% Complete
BT Foundry
New creatives deserve a chance to earn their keep and clients deserve quality creative work. Your contribution helps us provide both.

About BT Foundry

Our Bootcamp and apprenticeship program fills in the gaps that high school and higher ed institutions cannot. We offer real-world experience by allowing participants to work on real client work in a learning environment. Candidates and participants are not required to have formal education or previous professional work experience. They are only required to prove their skills through our selection process which includes interviews, auditions, and other innovative means. Our selection process eliminates discrimination which helps us to increase diversity and inclusion within the field. We further our mission at the completion of the program through our annual showcase and certifications through the Department of Labor. 

All these things allow us to impact the economic well-being of local communities by ensuring community members are educated and trained to obtain jobs. This creates self-sustainability in low-income neighborhoods because we are empowering them to take their career into their own hands.

In addition, educating and training these individuals gives them the knowledge, experience, and credibility they need to obtain a job in the marketing and advertising industry, thus helping to correct the lack of diversity and inclusion in the field.

Job seekers and career changers aren't the only people who benefit. Low-budget/high-need clients such as nonprofits, startups, community organizations, and local businesses are able to receive quality work at an affordable rate. By matching client needs and budgets with appropriate junior-level talent billable rates, both sides benefit and a modest profit can be made. Our business model helps to increase the awareness and revenue of nonprofits and small businesses in local communities. Thus creating a domino effect within the economic ecosystem. The better small business and nonprofits perform, the more opportunities and resources they are able to give to the communities they serve. The greater the awareness they receive the more people, populations in need and potential partners they are able to reach.


BT Foundry Cetarracca Rockwell info@btfoundry.org Dallas, TX 4696776909 http://www.btfoundry.org
Nonprofit Donations Tax Deductible