Looking to volunteer with us? We would love to serve alongside with you at any of our locations. Please fill out your information to get connected!

You are invited!

We are so excited that you are interested in volunteering with our organization! United Rescue Alliance is making a difference all over the globe because of the amazing people who are willing to stop and help. You are a huge part of the impact we are having in the nations struck by natural disaster. There are numerous serving opportunities in the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Guatemala, Belize, and Texas etc. 

Guidelines for Volunteers

  • Must be 18 or older for deployments (or accompanied by a parent)
  • Must pass a background check
  • Must be in good physical health in order to serve on the field

If you have never volunteered with us, please follow the link below to an online disaster relief training video. It is imperative that you do the training so you can be prepared to be on the field in the safest, most impactful way. 


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