We are so glad that you are interested in Affinity Groups!

These groups, only for Temple Sinai congregants, are a great way to find connection after the isolation of the pandemic. We hope they will strengthen ties among our community of Temple Sinai members. The program is organized and guided by a small group of dedicated, enthusiastic Temple volunteers.


 Click on an affinity group category below. It will take you to the registration page.




Affinity Groups

Art Appreciation

Visits to galleries and studios, discussions of favorite artists, speakers, field trips- the possibilities are endless!

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Arts and Crafts, and Needle Arts


Usually meeting in the Temple Art classroom every few weeks, participants work on their projects, e.g., colored pencil drawing, sketching, knitting, crocheting, etc., chatting while they create! 

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Come bake, share recipes, learn, schmooze, and nosh!

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Board Games

Monthly 'play dates' meet at members' homes once a month. Members bring games, some nosh and have fun! Come be part of this great group!

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The group bowls about every six weeks on Sunday afternoons at the home court of temple members, keeping up their energy via the excellent snacks they bring!  

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Book Group

There are several lively book groups, each determining its own format, rules, books read, and capacity. When one group fills up, another one is formed.  Come meet fellow book-lovers!

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For bridge enthusiasts who already know how to play or are being reintroduced to the game. A friendly, social bridge game.   Meets at individual homes on a Thursday evening once a month.


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Caring for Aging Parents

A group for those who have aging parents and want to talk with others about how they are dealing with it, share practical tips, and explore the positive and the challenging aspects. Currently meeting on zoom about once a month.

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Cooking (Tasting Buds)

A newly formed group for those who love to cook! Different regional cooking/cultural recipes are made, eaten and shared! Ideas for meals include themed dinners, guest instructors, technique centric cooking, field trips to food production facilities, specialty classes, and tastings.

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Conversational Yiddish
Conversational Hebrew

Meet in a private home, speak Hebrew! The group needs a few additional members, then kol b'seder! 

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Day Trippers

Explore the Bay Area! So much to see!  The participants will decide as a group when, where and how often to meet. Get ready to explore!

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Dog Walking

The members decide when and where and the dogs come along!

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On an interactive Google link, members post their upcoming theater, music and other entertainment dates, inviting others to buy their own tickets and join them. 

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Film Interest Group

There are several groups of film lovers, each determining its own format, rules, choice of films, where and when viewed, and size of group. 

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Field trips, speakers, gatherings in one another’s gardens--garden lovers meet to share and learn!

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Outdoor enthusiasts! A monthly Sunday hike is proposed by members which vary in challenge from very gentle to a little more sweat breaking! Weather dependent. Dogs generally welcome (some trails on leash).

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Jewish Genealogy

Finding your roots! Meet every few weeks to schmooze at a cafe or in a member's home, discussing research methods and sharing resources and progress.  The group has been to the Family Research Center and plans additional visits there as well as to the National Archives in San Bruno.

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Jewish Short Story Book Group

Choosing stories from the Oxford Book of Jewish Short Stories, members meet in one another’s’ homes to share insights and opinions.

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Mah Jongg

Group recently formed, come join in the fun. Currently playing once a month in people's homes on a Tuesday evening. Instruction  could be possible if you don't know how!

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Many people have had profound inner experiences, but no one to share them with. These experiences may come as teachings, inner wisdom, guides, life-altering awarenesses, and more. Perhaps, these awarenesses manifest in art, mediation, dreams, nature, spontaneous moments, prayer, life altering events, etc. We will explore wisdom in the writings of others throughout the ages.

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Sinai Songsters

For music lovers. Sometimes members go to hear music together, gather to play together or talk about different genre of music/musicians.

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Play this popular game of pickle ball in teams (weekly? monthly?) at local courts. Some minimal cost may be involved to reserve a court. Must have one’s own racket. Range of experience. We're almost there! Just need a couple more players!

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Participants will determine the areas of discussion - e.g., financial, volunteerism, leisure activities, babysitting grandchildren! This group is not yet active, awaiting additional members.

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Shabbat Dinner

“Shabbatniks” as they are affectionately known, meet every 6 weeks for a potluck Shabbat dinner and interesting conversation. Members may volunteer to host, but that is not a requirement. The number of participants each time is determined by the host. Sign-ups are on a first-come, first-served basis.  

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Single Parent Discussion Group

Members decide how to plan their meetings, offering support and discussing single parenting issues. The group would like additional participants.

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Travel Dreams and Planning

Members meet evenings about every six weeks in a private home to  share tips, experiences, resources, even country-themed potluck dinners!  

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Video Gamers
Writing Children's Books
Israeli and Other Jewish Authors

A book group devoted to the work of Israeli and other Jewish authors, both classic and contemporary. (This of course does not preclude any of our other book groups from reading in this genre as well!)

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Home Improvement

A group for experienced home improvers as well as novices to share ideas, learn, inspire and demonstrate techniques for do-it-yourself (and save-a-lot-of-money!) home improvements. You don't need to have any home improvement skills to join this group you just need to be interested in learning! 

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Temple Sinai Oakland Karen Tanner karen@oaklandsinai.org 2808 SUMMIT ST, OAKLAND CA 94609 510-451-3263