

Will you join us in investing in the lives of women for Kingdom impact?

Through your prayers, participation, and generosity this year you helped women experience the life-changing power of God's Word and Presence! In October we held our fourth and final Conference for 2023 in Dallas with record numbers in attendance.

We do this because we're called and desire to give women the opportunity to slow down and meet with Jesus. We don't want anyone to walk alone. We know the power of God to carry us and guide us through every season and we want to see every woman walk in the fullness of God's plans and purposes.

We have seen God move powerfully in our first year in the She Lives Fearless organization! So many testimonies have come in from women who came into a conference weekend feeling defeated and left our gatherings with fresh hope, refueled faith, and the burdens lifted. We've had many testimonies from women who have listened to a podcast, read devotionals with us, and even scrolled through social media and found just the right word at the right time. That's the Lord!

New paths were forged this year and strong groundwork was laid…we've only just begun! With bigger vision than ever, we're looking to 2024 with great anticipation and expectation for what the Lord is going to do in all of our lives. We're working hard behind the scenes on conferences, devotionals, Bible studies, podcast interviews, the magazine (launched this year!), and more to be announced! 

We are inviting women around the globe to pursue God with reckless abandon so they may live wholly, healed, fierce, and fearless in His plans for their lives. 

We cannot do this without financial partners and prayer partners. Any size of gift will make a difference - whether it's one-time or recurring. Give and see what God will do in you and through you! And we pray that you are blessed. You can be confident lives will be impacted with the hope of the Gospel.

There are two ways you can join us!


The impact of your tax-deductible gift will make a difference and will help us to:

  • Provide for conference costs. Logistics and creating the environment come at a cost. Our SLF Team this year has sacrificially given of time and resources in all that we do because we feel called and convinced this is what God has called us to. There's so much more we can do with partners like you!
  • Provide conference registration for those with real scholarship needs, Pastors wives, and missionaries
  • Enable us to provide discipleship resources to our Church partners who don't otherwise have access
  • Provide for Podcast Production
  • Nurture Women's Ministry leaders who need rest
  • Launch leadership training
  • Gain tools and resources needed for the ministry


Pray for the women we'll gather with in our 2024 Conferences. Consider joining us for one! Pray that the devotional content, Bible studies, and magazine inspire women in the truths of God and continue to spread. Pray for soft hearts and radical steps of courage to move forward fearlessly in God's plans!

Thank you for your prayerful consideration, time, and investment in what God is doing through She Lives Fearless!

**She Lives Fearless is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible as allowed by law in the United States. Visit our website for more information on upcoming events, content, and podcasts.


She Lives Fearless Holly Newton St. Petersburg, FL 2143156536