About Sex Talk Ministry


“Porn for women” ranked number one in searches on the largest porn site in 2017, increasing by over 1,400 percent since 2016. As the number of women addicted to pornography rises, women need help finding freedom from wrong sexual messages. Our desire is that women would be equipped and encouraged by the gospel of Jesus Christ so that they love him and grow in freedom from the sin, pain, and shame of sexual brokenness. 


But we can't do this alone. We need your help.

Your 100% tax-deductible gift will help fund this small group ministry.


Donate online or write a check to Women's Non-profit Alliance. Write Sex Talk Ministry in the memo so we will receive the funds. Send check to: The Hope Center, 2001 W. Plano Parkway, Suite 3422, Plano, TX 75075


Your generous gift will support women as they go through support groups. You will help a woman claim her identity in Christ. You will send a message of God's love and redemption to women who may be rising out of the chains of addiction. And you will empower these women to flourish as they pursue a new way of living. Your gift helps us inspire, equip and restore women who want to begin the journey to freedom. A one-time donation provides scholarships for women who cannot afford to join a group. A monthly donation provides ongoing support for the ministry to cover technology costs, resources, and supplies. 



  • Donate $40 and provide one woman with a copy of the workbook.

  • Donate $80 and give two women a copy of the work book.

  • Donate $210 and support one woman through a fourtneen week group program.



“I really enjoyed attending the group, because it gave me a safe space to be vulnerable and share about my struggles. It was wonderful to not feel like there was something SERIOUSLY wrong with me, because I am not the only one going through this struggle. I experienced compassion and wisdom from the women in my group in my pursuit of freedom. The book is also great. I have learned a lot about myself and gotten tools to help me get to root of my issues. This group has truly been an answer to prayer.”


Official Tax-Exempt Organization


Sex Talk Ministry operates under the fiscal sponsorship of the Women's Nonprofit Alliance, an official 501(c)3 tax-exempt, non-profit parent organization. As an Alliance Partner of the WomensNPA, we are able to accept tax-deductible donations. All online donations will appear on your bank statement as "Women's Nonprofit Alliance”, however, funds are directly credited to Sex Talk Ministry.


​Through our partnership with the WomensNPA, we have been accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). The ECFA provides accreditation to leading Christian nonprofit organizations that faithfully demonstrate compliance with established standards for financial accountability, transparency, fundraising and board governance. 


Donation Needs

$40Donate a Book
Provide one woman with a copy of the workbook and journal for a recovery group.
$80Donate Two Books
Give $80 and support two women by donating two workbooks for a group.
$21014 Week Sexual Sanity Group
Support one woman through a fourteen week group program
