Make the Powerful Journey a consideration this giving season! Help to support our scholarship endeavors for single mothers of special needs children.

Education is a passion for the Powerful Journey. We work to help women Find. Focus. Flourish. But we do not stop there. Each endeavor of the Powerful Journey, from classes to conferences, is evident in our efforts surrounding education and educational efforts. The Powerful Journey sponsors a scholarship fund that is dedicated to single mothers of special needs children. We at the Powerful Journey recognize the time, effort, and dedication to furthering education, but we are especially moved by the commitment to furthering education by mothers of special needs children. Maybe you or someone you know has a special needs child. You may know directly or indirectly the challenges of assuming such precious and delicate work. We at the Powerful Journey admire all mothers' strength, courage, perseverance, and tenacity, especially our sisters who nurture children with special needs. 

Our scholarship has helped to provide one or more semesters of tuition for these mothers, and this season, we are asking you to consider joining our efforts to help more mothers more often. Every contribution helps. Every contribution is appreciated. Every contribution is Powerful. Please take a moment to read and watch some of our testimonies. 


Meet Rose and James. Rose is one of the Powerful Journey Scholarship recipients. 


School has been going really well for me. The Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology program at UTD is fantastic. My professors are very knowledgeable and experienced, and I am learning so much. I am now classified as a senior and on track to graduate this December. I'm currently taking 12 credits in the Spring semester, and plan to take 12 credits in the Summer and Fall as well to finish up my degree. It is definitely always challenging juggling James' care needs and school. Last semester James was in the hospital twice with pneumonia. However, it is so rewarding to get closer to a degree that will allow me to be a better provider for James and career that I feel very passionate about. Your kindness and the generosity of Powerful Journey have been such a blessing for me, and I appreciate your support so much. 

Donation Levels

$100 Powerful Donor Recognition

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