VOLUNTEER TIME iCal - Outlook - Google

Sat, June 10, 2023
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM CT

Highland Church of Christ
425 Highland Ave
Abilene, TX 79605

Please sign up here to be on a waiting list for our next Educational Classes.  We will be in contact with applications for the correct class. NEW - You can choose which class and in what format you would prefer to take the free educational classes. Please make a selection and provide information about your loved one that lives with a mental health condition.



Sign Up

Family to Family (In-Person)

This 8-week class is for the Family members and Friends of someone who has a mental illness.  You must meet that qualification to attend the class. Please choose this option if you only want to attend a class in person by coming to a location in Tarrant County once a week for 8 weeks.

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Family to Family (via zoom)

This 8 week class is for the Family members and Friends of someone who has a mental illness.  You must meet that qualification to attend the class. Please choose this option if you only want to attend a class via zoom.

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Peer to Peer (via zoom)

This 8-week class is for those people who have the lived experience of having a mental illness. If you are interested in taking this peer-led course via zoom, please sign up here.

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Peer to Peer (In-person)

This 8-week class is for those people who have the lived experience of having a mental illness. If you are only interested in taking a Peer to Peer course in person at a location in Tarrant County, please sign up here.

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