Thank you for supporting the 2021 CEO & Pastor Dinner! You are part of encouraging, inspiring, and uniting over 250 pastors and business leaders across the greater Austin area.

Thank you for supporting the 2021 CEO & Pastor Dinner!  You are part of encouraging, inspiring, and uniting over 250 pastors and business leaders across the greater Austin area.

Your sponsorship includes table, slideshow, and website branding and recognition.  You also receive 4 seats to the event for you, your guest, a friend and their guest.  If you are a business leader we recommend you invite your senior pastor.  If you are a pastor, we recommend you select a business executive from your congreagation and invite them to join you.

We will be in touh closer to the event for seat reservation details, logo information and other details pertaining to your sponsorship.


Austin Bridge Builders Alliance (Old) Austin Bridge Builders Alliance Austin, TX 5124582741