About United Foundation For Disabled Archers


United Foundation for Disabled Archers (UFFDA) is a non-profit organization that assists physically challenged hunters in bowhunting adventures. It UFFDA's mission to promote and provide a means to practice all forms of archery for any physically challenged person. Each year, UFFDA hosts an annual hunt in Park Rapids, Minnesota the first weekend of October. Board members, guides and volunteers assist hunters in getting into the woods and bringing down the big bucks (or does). 


Each hunter comes to UFFDA ready to get into the woods to hunt. They are required to qualify on a shooting range and then their guide takes them into the woods to hunt. Hunters get to experience all that nature has to offer while out in the woods. Hunters have gotten deer every year at UFFDA. We are proud to assist all physically challenged hunters!


UFFDA is a volunteer organization driven by donations from wonderful people like you. Thank you in advance for your donations and support!




