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WWC LXIV Yeti Doll Online Auction
EVENT TIME iCal - Outlook - Google

Mon, January 30 11:00 AM MT
to Fri, February 03 5:00 PM MT

Register to begin bidding on Ski Patrol Pat, this year's yeti sensation!

10 Years ago a talented Duchess created the first yeti doll, a simple creation compared to the yeti dolls we know today, but the start of something grand nonetheless! In the years following the yeti doll has become a staple of the Whitefish Winter Carnival Gala, drawing generous bids in the quest for ownership of these one-of-a-kind pieces. Each year a variety of characters are put up for auction, each uniquely whimsical and perfect representations of the essence of the year's Carnival theme.



In 2019 it was decided to make a yeti doll available online for those who were unable to make the Gala, and thus the annual Yeti Doll Online Auction was born. First to grace the screen was Lola, a sassy broad from the 1920's who was the toast of the town.

During 2020 and COVID it only made sense to bring the yeti dolls to the pubic in the safe, online format of an online auction. That year all the yeti dolls were bid upon virtually, and the 'Survivors' of the online auction were treated to yeti dolls with colorful handmade masks and just as colorful backstories.

This year we present Ski Patrol Pat, an homage to Montana first responders in reference to our theme Fire and Ice. As usual Linda Ray has brought the detail and humor that are the hallmarks of these merry creations, we are thrilled to share the opportunity with you to make Pat your own. Whether you are in the market to add to your growing collection or just starting with a bid for your first yeti doll, we THANK YOU for your generous efforts to support Whitefish Winter Carnival!

Learn more about Linda Ray and her yeti creations here


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