Your contributions will support the mission and ministries of the church.

University Christian Church seeks to be a dynamic, inclusive community living out the love of Jesus the Christ through thoughtful worship, compassionate service, and spiritual growth.


We extend the grace-filled welcome of Christ to ALL persons equally, regardless of race, gender, class, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or disability.


We are a family, learning how to love, serve, and encourage each other as we grow in our faith. This church is our way of gathering together to engage the Divine and encounter Christ in challenging, meaningful and powerful ways.


As Disciples of Christ, we hold that Christians are free to follow their consciences, guided by Bible study, the Holy Spirit, reason, and prayer.


We are a congregationally organized church affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada. We are self-governed, in covenantal relationships with other congregations and our denominational partners. Questions of policy are determined by our local congregation.




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