$639 raised of $1,400 goal
46% Complete



I have the opportunity to serve with Touch A Life. Please consider supporting me!

Hi friends and family! I am blessed with an opportunity to go to Ghana, Africa for a week this September to serve with Touch A Life. This trip will be opening doors to my dream of overseas missions. This visit will lay the groundwork for my plan to spend three months in Ghana with Touch A Life this coming spring, after I graduate. I am asking for not only your monetary donations but your thoughts and prayers.

Touch A Life Care Center is the only long-term care center in Ghana that rehabilities children that have formerly been trafficked. I am so thankful for this opportunity to serve. I have a passion for overseas missions and I am so grateful that I was led to Touch A Life. While reading founder Pam Copes’ book last August I knew that I wanted to be involved with this important organization and its work. 

I am raising funds to pay for the transportation, room, and board while I am in Ghana. Your contriubution will be tax deductible. 

Thank you so much in advance for all of your support! 

For more information about Touch A Life, check out their website: https://www.touchalifekids.org


Team Organizer
Callie VanOstran