Campaign is not accepting payments at this time

Please Help the Rauvolas Support CHUM!
$730 raised of $1,500 goal
49% Complete

In these uncomfortable times, we all search for a little comfort.

Each fall for the last few years Brian and I have helped to plan and host a table at CHUM's annual fundraising dinner. Because of COVID-19, the dinner cannot be held in person and we will miss the excitement of a full Greysolon Ballroom with silent and live auctions. The dinner may be cancelled, but unfortunately, homelessness is not cancelled. As a matter of fact, it is rising in our community which makes the work of CHUM even more critical. The CHUM shelter is at or near capacity every night.

We have long been supporters of the work of CHUM and we hope you will join us in supporting their work with a financial donation. 100% of the funds raised are reinvested directly back into the work of CHUM as they support homeless and low-income families in the community!

Matthew 25:35-40 is the call for us to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, care for the sick, visit the lonely. CHUM does that every day, supporting and lifting up the forgotten and unseen. The staff and residents at Steve O’Neil Apartments partner to end generational poverty and homelessness. The CHUM Food Shelf gives individuals and families access to healthy food. The CHUM Backpack Program supports school children with needed school supplies and backpacks. The Overnight Shelter houses those without a place to shelter.

Any amount is greatly appreciated! Thank you for considering our request!


Team Organizer
Suzanne Rauvola