Shadows Ignited Partnership

Help these brave survivors use their tramua to help others through their pain.

Shadows Ignited allows survivors of sexual assault the opportunity for healing and empowerment through the sharing of their stories, and help others. How can we not hear these words and not feel both the pain and freedom of these couragous individuals. YOU can bring their stories to life through your generousity!

Program samples:

"You left an indelible mark etched upon my being. Your breath, a haunting whisper that refuses to fade, a reminder of the relentless power you wielded, a power that still echoes within, unrelentingly taking its toll. But, know this—I will not succumb to the chains you sought to bind me with, become a prisoner within the confines of my own soul."

"Haunted by the echoes of the damon I had met, silently battling him and the others who chose to emerge. My energy drained, feeling all was lost, I submit to the pain, waving my white flag of surrender ans hopelessness convinces me life is no longer worth living. Struggling to the perfect words, a whisper emerges: "Don't give up, your not done yet."


Giving Options

$150 Supporting Partner

Supporting Partner: $150 – Recognized on website, social media (FB & IG) and event page listings (Eventbright, Nashville Guru,

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$300 Sustaining Partner

Sustaining Partner: $300 – Above plus listed on community calendars (newspaper, radio, television, Chamber of Commerce, Tennessee Magazine), promotional flyers and event program.

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$450 Community Partner

Community Partner: $450 – Above plus listing on venue sign,  email blasts through Dec. 31 2024, social media promo video (FB & IG), and countdown opening video.

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$600 Hero Partner

Hero Partner: $600 – Above plus 25 second promo video played during intermission, quarterly newsletters through Dec. 2024, Facebook advertising, verbal recognition during event opening.

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$800 Presenting Partner

Presenting Partner: $800 - Above plus listed in Google advertising, PSA announcements, any radio, television and podcast interviews, name listed on live stream overlay, on website through Dec. 31, 2024, verbal recognition during event opening & closing and 2 free tickets to event.

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Silent No Longer TN Greta McClain Murfreesboro, TN 6157848679