Ways You Can Engage

Explore Austin
This mission of Explore Austin is to change the lives of underserved youth through Leadership, Mentoring, and Adventure. Thank you for joining our journey through Flashback!
$0 raised in 2474 days
Explore Austin
The mission of Explore Austin is to change the lives of underserved youth through Leadership, Mentoring, and Adventure. Thank you for supporting Explore Austin through Flashback!
$725 raised in 2480 days
Explore Austin
Thu, April 07 7:00 PM CT
to Fri, April 08 9:00 PM CT
Let's raise support for connecting 300 youth to nature, peers, and caring, adult mentors!
Fri, May 07, 2021
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM CT
$29,100raised 58 % of goal
58% Complete
Raise your virtual paddles and help us tell 2020 to go take a hike!
Sat, October 24 9:00 AM CT
to Fri, October 30 5:00 PM CT
$0raised 0 % of goal
0% Complete