Arkansas Catholic's Guardian Angels

Join the Guardian Angels to

Ignite the next generation

The future of our Church depends on keeping a place in the hearts of young Catholics who are bombarded by secularity from every kind of electronic media. Arkansas Catholic must use every resource to inform and inspire the faithful through multiple digital channels as well as traditional print. With your support — one time, or as a monthly sustaining member — we can make this happen. 


What can your gift do?

Your membership, especially when joined with the support of other Guardian Angels, can help us reach Catholics across Arkansas whether they are devout or doubting, churchgoing or just curious, fervent or fallen-away. Here are some of the projects your gift could support:

  • Two months of software to prepare photos for publishing, including social media and the web: $60
  • Mileage for a reporter to cover an event in southeast Arkansas: $120
  • Report, photograph and partly livestream an ordination on the web: $600
  • Present an educational Communications Day to support parish and school employees: $1,250
  • Update the Arkansas Catholic website to current design and security standards: $12,000
  • Provide an internship for a young Catholic communicator to gain real-world experience: Priceless

Sustain the work

Choose the giving option that best fits your convenience. We encourage monthly sustaining memberships because they help you budget your giving while helping us plan on resources. Either way, we are deeply grateful for your caring support.


Join the Guardian Angels with your gift today and help sustain the Church's future.It only takes a spark to get fire going.

"... to him be glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus unto all generations, forever and ever. Amen." (Ephesians 3:21)

Membership levels

• Angel, monthly

With your automatic monthly gift of $5, you become a Guardian Angel and we'll thank you with your name in the paper.

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• Angel, one time

With your one-time gift of $60, you become a Guardian Angel for this year and we will list your name in the paper with our thanks.

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• Archangel, monthly

With your easy monthly gift of $10, you become a supporter at the Archangel level of the Guardian Angels. Our thanks include a copy of the Diocese of Little Rock Directory — a $15 value.

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• Archangel, one time

At the supporter level of $120 in a one-time gift, you become an Archangel in the Guardian Angels. Our thanks include a copy of the Diocese of Little Rock Directory ($15 value).  

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• Cherubim, monthly

Set up your monthly gift of $20 and find yourself a partner at the Cherubim level of giving. To the other thanks we add a Christmas gift from Arkansas Catholic. (Total value of thank-you gifts about $25)

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• Cherubim, one time

When you make a one-time gift of $240, you become a Cherubim partner in the Guardian Angels. Your added gift from us will come at Christmas. (Total thank-you gifts value $25)

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• Evangelist, monthly

Your convenient monthly gift of $40 marks your place as an Evangelist, a patron in the Guardian Angels. Our thanks come to you with all the previous gifts plus a discount on Arkansas Catholic pilgrimages. (Total value up to $225)

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• Evangelist, one time

Make one gift of at least $480 to reach the Evangelist level as a patron in the Guardian Angels. Our thank-you gift, in addition to all the offerings in the other levels, is a discount on an Arkansas Catholic pilgrimage. (Total value of thank-yous up to $225.)

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• Your own monthly gift amount

You want to be one of the Guardian Angels, but none of the standard categories really suits you? Enter your own monthly amount, from $5 up to the moon and back. (You rebel, you — we love you too.)

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• Your one-time gift amount

The urge to give is in your heart, but the categories here don't speak to you? Select to make a one-time gift and become a Guardian Angel exactly as your heart tells you to. (Do it your way — with our thanks!) 

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Diocese of Little Rock Malea Hargett Little Rock, AR 5016640125