Collaborative Artwork Waukegan inspired produced by Yvonne Pitts and Sandie Bacon. Mix Media on Cotton Canvas  36" X 46 "
--Highest Bid
# 101
$5,000Est Val
$1,000Min Bid
$3,000Buy Now
Beautiful Collaborative Artwork produced by Mary Neely and Susan Schneider.  16" X 20" on Canvas
--Highest Bid
# 102
$350Est Val
$100Min Bid
$350Buy Now
Bioluminescence Night Dipping with Oceans organisms that illumnates the ocean waves in the night.  Souls are implanted with ocean's life.  This beautiful Mixed Media collaborative artwork is 20" X 20" wood canvas made with resin, sculpture, rubber, sand and other elements produced by Steven Walker and Sunny Corba. 
--Highest Bid
# 103
$300Est Val
$100Min Bid
$300Buy Now
A collaboration that began with the graphic oil pastel of Valente Mercadillo and layered with day glow surreal flourishes of Frank Fratzgerald (Fitz).  46" X 50" Cotton Canvas
--Highest Bid
# 104
$2,500Est Val
$900Min Bid
$1,200Buy Now
Mix Media Artwork produced by Hector J. Esquivel and Trotter Alexander. 
--Highest Bid
# 105
$800Est Val
$500Min Bid
$800Buy Now
Produced by Daniel Garcia and Jon Billman 20" X 24" on cotton canvas
--Highest Bid
# 100
$400Est Val
$100Min Bid
$300Buy Now