Campaign is not accepting payments at this time

Support Townlake YMCA Youth Sports

$515 Goal $2,000
26% Complete

"An athlete gains so much knowledge by just participating in a sport. Focus, discipline, hard work, goal setting and, of course, the thrill of finally achieving your goals. These are all lessons in life." 

- Kristi Yamaguchi

Hello, and thank you for checking out my fundraising page for the Townlake YMCA!

As a newly elected member of the Townlake YMCA Board, I am excited to share my passion for youth sports and youth civic and government activities. As part of my commitment to the YMCA, I am pledging to raise $2000 (hopefully more!) to support YMCA programming and activities.

Throughout the years, my family has benefited from the amazing programming provided by the YMCA - and I'm willing to guess many of you have as well!

Personally, I have gained so much joy from the YMCA by sharing my love of volleyball as a volunteer coach, taking ALL the Zumba classes and by utilizing the child care services so I can take a much-needed run along Townlake! My girls have enjoyed swim lessons, ballet and tap lessons, soccer, basketball, spring break/summer camps, afterschool care, and of course - volleyball! 

I am inviting and asking you to invest in your YMCA Townlake community. Whether you donate, attend a fitness center, or enroll in YMCA sports or camps - or all of these!

Your support allows the YMCA to provide the best programs our communities deserve and an affordable way for parents to allow their children to enjoy all the wonderful YMCA programs and youth sports!

Please consider joining our 2022 Annual Giving Campaign so we can continue to write and share many Y stories. Together we can create a powerful impact and support our young children and aspiring athletes! 

Together we can do so much more. Take action today.


Team Organizer
Rose Guajardo
