Thank you for supporting our nonprofit, Atlanta Grade School Friends. Gifts of all sizes are welcome and appreciated, and should you wish to donate in honor or in memory of someone special, just let us know on the donation form provided.
The mission of Atlanta Grade School Friends is to restore the historic Atlanta-Miller Grade School located on Miller Street in Atlanta, Texas. In addition to renovation of the building and the continued maintenance thereof, Atlanta Grade School Friends oversees the development and management of educational programs and related activities for all ages that enhance the building's usefulness.
We need and welcome your financial support!
Although the Board of Directors is all-volunteer, we need financial support to fund our contract professionals who manage our online presence, our newsletters, our online giving platform, our grant writing, research, and other essential activities. We also need financial support to keep our school and the surrounding grounds (which we own) clean, and for specific tools and physical supplies toward these ends. Thank you for considering a charitable donation to ensure the success of our restoration project! By making a donation, you are helping us come closer to both restoring a WPA-era icon and creating a modern community center for educational programming of all kinds.
Atlanta Grade School Friends does its banking with Red River Credit Union in Atlanta, Texas. Your donation goes electronically and securely direct to our bank account.
This giving campaign is ongoing and includes donations from 2017 to the present. Included are memorial gifts, Facebook fundraisers, bingo fundraisers, "bash" special events and more. Questions? Email:
The class photograph featured at the top of this page was shared on Facebook. We invite you to join us there for many fond memories!