KDC Marketing & Development Team

Taking steps towards lifechanging care.

$500 raised of $500 goal
100% Complete
EVENT TIME iCal - Outlook - Google

Sun, October 02, 2022
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM ET

Various Locations (See Below)

As a KDC employee for the past two+ years, I have seen firsthand the incredible impact of our programs in the 150 communities we serve throughout Central and Southeastern Massachusetts. This large geographic footprint, combined with a wide range of developmental services, means that our team of passionate and talented caregivers touches the lives of SO MANY PEOPLE!


While KDC is a multimillion dollar human services agency - funded, in large part, by contracts with state agencies like the Dept. of Developmental Services and Dept. of Public Health - we rely on donations to fully carry out our mission; to provide lifechanging outcomes, no matter the circumstances. It's not uncommon for the needs of those receiving developmental support to far exceed their contracted services. Individuals and families turn to KDC when they need a lifeline, and donations enable us to respond.


By supporting my Walk for KDC, you will help our program participants overcome barriers and live their best lives!


Free Registration


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Amanda Perkins MA