Ways You Can Engage

Austin Bridge Builders Alliance (Old)
Wed, September 14, 2022
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM CT
Austin Bridge Builders Alliance (Old)
We are looking forward to seeing you in November. Cultivate Connection with our GLS Recap - Live Speakers - Networking & More!
Thu, November 12 9:00 AM CT
to Fri, November 13 4:00 PM CT
Austin Bridge Builders Alliance (Old)
Mon, April 20, 2020
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM CT
Austin Bridge Builders Alliance (Old)
If you're trying to figure out how to mesh your faith and work together authentically, then come join others like you at the Business Leadership Series!
Austin Bridge Builders Alliance (Old)
Discounted rate to purchase entire BLS Fall Series (Sept. 24, Oct. 20, December, 10)
Austin Bridge Builders Alliance (Old)
Thank you for supporting the 2021 CEO & Pastor Dinner! You are part of encouraging, inspiring, and uniting over 250 pastors and business leaders across the greater Austin area.

About Austin Bridge Builders Alliance (Old)


We exist to exponentially advance the Kingdom of God through flourishing communities across Greater Austin.



Challenges our communities face:

Pastors and non-profit leaders often feel isolated and alone

Christian business leaders struggle to integrate faith and work

The Church is not seen as a valued community partner


We transform how the Church and community
live, work, and serve together:

By building alliances that breakdown barriers

By creating capacity that sustains results

By bridging the Church to the community


We invite you to come alonside us as we serve Austin together.


Austin Bridge Builders Alliance (Old) Austin Bridge Builders Alliance admin@abbaconnect.net Austin, TX 5124582741 http://www.abbaconnect.net