
Great Futures Start Here... Thanks for being part of the VILLAGE!

Torch 180

is a nonprofit 501(c)3 tax-exempt food-service training company, providing food-industry vocational training for adults with disabilities by operating a fully functioning restaurant and coffee shop which is currently open to the public Wednesday-Friday 8:30-3:00!


Torch:  a light in the darkness

180:  turning a life around

We hope to be a light in the darkness helping our students turn their lives around and realize potential they may have never before utilized.


Having the restaurant allows students to gain real life, hands-on, experience in all staffing aspects of a restaurant: hostess, prep cook, customer service, money management, food ordering, proper sanitation and more. Once students successfully complete our program, we help them find gainful employment within their own communities.


Thank you for your support!




Torch 180 Fundraising Chair Fowlerville, MI 517-245-9669
Nonprofit Organization Donations Tax Deductible