Brady Ryan-Battle of the Bands

$1,301 raised

It's the Battle of Bands with Team Luke Hope For Minds and Brady Ryan needs your help to get the opportunity to be an opening act at Blue Light in Lubbock, TX on April 30th.  All you have to do is make a donation to Brady Ryan Escobar-Battle of the Bands which helps him raise money to support Team Luke Hope for Minds. The Band who raises the most money by April 1, 2024 will be the winner. Brady Ryan said "I love using my gifts to make people happy, raising money for those that need it and playing at Blue Light would be two dreams come true."  Team Luke Hope for Minds serves families that have a child that has suffered an acquired brain injury.  Their mission is to enrich the lives of children with a brain injury and give hope to their families through support and education. Please help Brady Ryan Escobar make a difference! 




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