Live Auction Items
  Online Handstands  (3 months)  Welcome to Jean-Luc Martin's "ONLINE HANDSTANDS PROGRAM"! Whether you are a beginner or advanced Jean-Luc can help you reach your goals.   We use an advanced Olympic level coaching technology to assist us in our coaching process and communication .   Start-Up Process After you register for the program you will become a licensed user on our proprietary platform. You will be assigned personal profile which you will use on either your android, iPhone or iPad.   First, you will upload a series of videos for your coach to evaluate. You will then complete a detailed form which will allow your coach to make an evaluation and put together your first training session.  Session Updates & Communication After 6 days of training and completing your daily program, you will upload one video per drill onto our platform where your coach will review, analyze and give a detailed report on the footage. After your coach has reviewed your videos, you will receive your detailed notes and a new 6 day training session.  
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Online Handstands  (1 months)  Welcome to Jean-Luc Martin's "ONLINE HANDSTANDS PROGRAM"! Whether you are a beginner or advanced Jean-Luc can help you reach your goals.   We use an advanced Olympic level coaching technology to assist us in our coaching process and communication .   Start-Up Process After you register for the program you will become a licensed user on our proprietary platform. You will be assigned personal profile which you will use on either your android, iPhone or iPad.   First, you will upload a series of videos for your coach to evaluate. You will then complete a detailed form which will allow your coach to make an evaluation and put together your first training session.  Session Updates & Communication After 6 days of training and completing your daily program, you will upload one video per drill onto our platform where your coach will review, analyze and give a detailed report on the footage. After your coach has reviewed your videos, you will receive your detailed notes and a new 6 day training session.  
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Pre-Preparatory Program ( Ages 12 – 17) San Diego Circus Center offers a PRE PREPARATORY TRAINING PROGRAM for students ages 12 – 17. It is a NINE MONTH course during the standard academic school year. This program is designed to construct a solid base from which the student can advance in order to prep them for our Preparatory Program, as well as building the student’s strength and technique towards becoming a performer and athlete. Students will also participate in our seasonal shows. The Pre Preparatory Program’s focus is split into four categories:  Aerial, Rebound, Floor, Clown and Dance, which are all essential to being a well rounded performer. Students will participate in core classes as a group as well as specialty and private classes per their specific goals. PRE PREPARATORY PRICING $610 – $710 per month pending commitment & workshop availability Approx. 15.5 hours per week Approx.  4-8pm  Mon-Fri & Saturday 10am-3pm
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We will contact you for your size and t-shirt style
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This program is to increase and improve active flexibility. This type of flexibility is important for all disciplines because it will ensure that you have the strength to back up your new mobility, which will help lessen injury. All of the exercises are a mixture of different ballet and rhythmic gymnastics stretches and conditioning. 
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Sponsor a preparatory student for a month. We have a few students who are working several jobs while managing their 9 month couse. Sponsoring a student would help them focus on their circus education. Thank you! 
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