600 River St.
Austin, TX 78757

Viajes is a contemporary dance performance utilizing multimedia and voice for an evening of collaboration.

Viajes is a contemporary dance performance utilizing multimedia and voice for an evening of collaboration. Viajes is a series of short pieces about inner and geographical travels which change our life perspective, let us break the boundaries of our mind and get closer to the true source of inspiration and creativity. Whether we travel to a different country or lost in our dream we come back transformed.

Viajes es un espectáculo de danza contemporánea que utiliza multimedia y teatro para una noche de colaboración. Viajes es una serie de piezas cortas sobre viajes internos y geográficos que cambian la perspectiva de nuestra vida, que nos permiten romper los límites de nuestra mente y acercarnos a la verdadera fuente de inspiración y creatividad. Ya sea que viajemos a un país diferente o nos perdamos en nuestro sueño, regresamos transformados.

Guest Artists:

Erica Saucedo (Austin, TX)
Bonnie Cox (San Antonio, TX/Austin, TX)
Miguel Alejandro Lopez Jorge (Santa Clara, Cuba/San Antonio, Cuba)
Arianna Nuñez Jordan (Granma, Cuba/Austin, TX)

This project is supported in part by Cultural Arts Division Of The City Of Austin Economic Development Department believing an investment in the Arts is an investment in Austin's future.
