Campaign is not accepting payments at this time

St. Michael's CHUM Team CHUM
$1,100 raised of $5,000 goal
22% Complete

In these uncomfortable times, we all search for a little comfort.

"Parishes are called to reach out to the hurting, the poor, and the vulnerable in our midst in concrete acts of charity. Just as the Gospel tells us our lives will be judged by our response to the "least of these," so too our parishes should be measured by our help for the hungry, the homeless, the troubled, and the alienated in our own community and beyond." 

Communities of Salt and Light, U.S. Catholic Bishops, 2015



As a long time member of CHUM, St. Michael's has been a leading supporter of CHUM's mission: "People of faith working together to provide basic necessities, foster stable lives, and organize for a just and compassionate community."In a normal year, we would be inviting you to attend CHUM's annual fundraising dinner and silent auction in October, but this isn't a normal year! In addition to adapting to meeting diverse needs of our vulnerable neighbors in this age of Covid, CHUM has also had to adapt its fundraising. We can't be together this year, so we are planning something we hope will be just as fun and successful. 


This year, the annual Fall Outreach Dinner has been converted to the 2020 CHUM Virtual Fundraiser & Silent Auction, and all of St. Michael's is invited!


Homelessness is rising in our community. The CHUM shelter is at or near capacity every night. We have instituted rigorous sanitation and personal hygiene protocols, installed hand-washing stations, and require physical distancing and masks to keep all our clients and staff safe and healthy.


In a common goal to educate our community, you are about to embark on a journey where everything you do for this fundraiser matters. The time you spend, the stories you share, and the money you raise all make a difference. What’s more, 100% of the funds raised are reinvested directly back into CHUM and support for the homeless and low-income families in the community! Please join us by making a contribution, inviting others to join, bidding on silent auction items the week of October 18-25, and sharing the good news of CHUM's work. 

Thank you for your past support of CHUM and for  joining us in this endeavor.  Click on one of the donation buttons above (or insert your own amount). Share the page with your family and friends. Please give at the highest appropriate level, balancing your commitment to CHUM and your particular circumstances.  For more information click here!


Team Organizer
CHUM Lee Stuart