Build a Church
A gift at this level can provide the resources to build a New Life Bible Church in a new community that will provide a foundation for health, reconciliation and healing.
Land Purchase
A gift at this level can purchase land in a new community to build a church, sponsorship office, and a nurse's station. 
Give 3 Degrees
 A gift at this level can provide three future ministers studying at the Africa College of Theology with an entire bachelor's degree and education.
Provide COVID Relief
A gift at this level could provide emergency food relief for more than 650 families during COVID lockdowns.
Feed 6,000 Students
A gift at this level can provide 6,000 meals for students who attend Africa New Life schools, contributing to a stable source of nutrition that helps students stay healthy.
Give A Year of School
A gift at this level could provide a year of preschool for three dream daycare students.
Empower Women
A gift at this level can provide a year of spiritual nurturing resources for Dream Beauty Academy students.
Provide 50 Bibles
A gift at this level can provide Bibles for all 50 young students in our Dream Kids Tutoring Program in Kigali.
Give 5 Bags of Rice
A gift at this level can provide five 55lb bags of rice for students and families in need.
Give 7 Gardens
A gift at this level can provide seven double-dug gardens, a low-maintenance and low-cost source of nutritious foods, in Rubavu.